Friday, April 18, 2008

Letter 24

This letter really struck me. The patient's relationship has grown and strengthened, and he's getting positive reinforcement from “the enemy.” This is fairly normal, abut what really got me was Screwtape's new idea for corruption him, trying to play off of the girlfriend, as opposed to his own vices. He is clearly trying to change and make himself a better person, and all of their attempts to break him with his current vices has failed, so they intend to try and use one all men have: pride. Screwtape does not suggest anything major, just fostering a sense of belonging, and reinforcing the concept of “those like us.” It's particularly devious, because on one level or another, we all feel some sort of need to connect and belong.

Where does this become not just “I'm part of the whole” but “We're better than them” instead? I'm not really sure, but I do know how easy it is to switch between these emotions, and it's surprising when you do. This is where the destructive clique stereotypes come from, somewhere along the way the group in question ceased to be one group out of many and became in the eyes of its members the best out of many.


Kenion said...

I see you noticed the same factor in the efforts of Screwtape to take down the patient as I did, mainly how badly their efforts are going. The way you present the efforts of pride is also interesting as it's so obvious that everyone has pride, but so easy to overlook. It seems we like to label a few people in the world as full of pride and then claim to be part of the humble crowd, even when it's a terrible lie.

Yessy said...

I think that in a relationship that is pure and based of God has more difficulties to face. The reason is because you have to be different to others. Maybe not perfect, but at least better since this relationship has the knowledge of the right and wrong according to the Bible.

Alethea Van Buren said...

You got it! Screwtape preys on people's "humanness," their needs and vulnerabilities. These are weaknesses that he can use as a weapon against that person and others. Screwtape is down right evil and wants to make everyone the "dime a dozen" when God has made us individuals and unique according to our growth. The concept "I'm part of the whole" but "We're better than them" is a deception that is fed to people and if they take it then, like you stated, it creates the destructive clique stereotypes. The bible even states that pride cometh before a fall and a haughty spirit before destruction. Haughty means "to be puffed-up." If Screwtape can bring others down in order to make the other person feel equal when that person is deceived in thinking he is equal unless he proves himself or has lived it. God does receive people in as they are and does not judge them as less; however, He does require a period of testing and proving. The devil (Screwtape) wants to take a shortcut to inject his evil and that is all.